Quiz on SDG 2 - Zero Hunger - Part 1

How well do you know the facts related to Hunger?

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Q. 1 Rising food prices often resulted in political protests. Which of the following protests was caused by this?

Answer Detail: Hunger was a major triggering factor for the French Revolution. The king, the nobility and the clergy lived in luxury, while the common people in the countryside and in the city had only the bare necessities of life. Climatically induced crop failures in 1788 led to extreme price increase for basic foodstuff. Many people suffered from the cold of the severe winter and above all from hunger, while the privileged still indulged in luxury and waste.

Q. 2 In 1966, under which international agreement did the community of states commit itself to protect people from hunger?

Answer Detail: The right to food, more accurately called the right to adequate food, is enshrined as a human right in international law in Article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (UN Social Covenant). The right to "adequate food" is found in Article 11, paragraph 1, as part of the right to an adequate standard of living, and in paragraph 2, again highlighted as "the fundamental right of everyone to be protected from hunger".

Q. 3 The World Food Programme estimates the average daily energy requirement for an adult at about 2,100 kilocalories. Extreme malnutrition and chronic hunger are said to exist at less than _____________________

Answer Detail: Chronic hunger is defined as an intake of less than 1400 kilocalories (kcal). The average daily requirement is estimated at 2100 kcal. However, even in the case of this calorie supply, malnutrition is still not fundamentally ruled out because the quality of the food is also important.

Q. 4 Complete the following.

Hunger is a problem __________________

Answer Detail: Hunger is a problem of equitable distribution. Worldwide, more than 800 million people are undernourished. At the same time, almost 2 billion people are overweight and 650 million suffer from obesity. About 50 percent of the world's harvest is used to feed livestock.

Q. 5 Since 2000, the mortality rate for children under 5 years of age has __________

Answer Detail: The under-five mortality rate in sub-Saharan Africa is the highest of any region in the world, at 7.8 percent in 2018. Yet it has declined sharply there too. Globally, the rate has roughly halved since 2000.

Q. 6 What happens if a child suffers from malnutrition already in the womb?

Answer Detail: If a child suffers from malnutrition while still in the womb, it has little chance of making up for its developmental shortfall. It often has a weakened immune system and is therefore more susceptible to infectious diseases. The child's physical and mental development is limited and it has difficulty concentrating.